Aleksei V. Dedov

Editor-in-chief of the journal Thermal Engineering since October 17, 2023
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences.
Director of the Institute of Thermal and Nuclear Power Engineering of the National Research University "MPEI", Head of the Department of General Physics and Nuclear Fusion.
Areas of scientific activity:
- experimental study of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in the equipment of nuclear and thermonuclear reactors;
- engineering problems of thermonuclear installations;
- research of the boiling processes of liquids under various conditions;
- research of ways to intensify heat exchange.

The Russian version of the journal "Teploenergetika" ISSN 0040-3636
The English version of the journal Thermal Engineering
ISSN PRINT: 0040-6015;
ISSN ONLINE: 1555-6301
Editor-In-Chief: Aleksei Dedov

Thermal Engineering is abstracted and/or indexed in:
SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index)
